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Alfasher, Northern Darfur

Algadi street , near police hospital

Darfur Organization For Development & Human Resources
CategoriesProjects WASH, Health, & Environment

Health Awareness Campaigns in Al Fasher locality

In the period from December 16 – 21, 2021, under the slogan: ‘Together for a healthy society’, The Darfur Organization for Development and Human Resources (DOFDAHR), in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and partnership with the African Vision for Development Organization (OVDA), organized a health awareness campaign to prevent infectious diseases (hepatitis, COVID-19, dengue […]

CategoriesProjects WASH, Health, & Environment

Free Medical Treatment mission for Taweela locality Development

DOFDAHR organized a free medical treatment camp mission to Taweela for three days starting on 12/11/2020. There was a malaria outbreak at that time and DOFDAHR proposed this intervention through cooperation and partnership with Safe the Children and coordination with the State Ministry of Health (SMoH). The mission provided treatment for malaria and primary health […]

CategoriesProjects WASH, Health, & Environment

Initiative for provision of water 780 houses in Imtidat Al-Tiganiya block in Al-Fashir city

DOFDAHR has proposed the initiative of provision of clean water for 780 households in Imtidad Al-Tiganya block in Al-Fashir city in North Darfur State, the project started in 29/8/2020. DOFDAHR has conducted meetings and mobilized the community for funding the project. DOFDAHR in coordination with the community leaders, the target households in the block contributed […]