- – Project Title: Free Medical Treatment mission for Taweela locality Development
- – Project Duration: 2 months
- – Project Location: Taweela town, Taweela locality
- – Funding Organization: SCS + Zakat office + Health insurance + Medical Supplies
- – Year of Funding/Status: 2020
- – Amount of Funding: 6,000,000 SDG
- – Beneficiaries of the project: 2,500 person
DOFDAHR organized a free medical treatment camp mission to Taweela for three days starting on 12/11/2020. There was a malaria outbreak at that time and DOFDAHR proposed this intervention through cooperation and partnership with Safe the Children and coordination with the State Ministry of Health (SMoH). The mission provided treatment for malaria and primary health care services for 1,500 beneficiaries during the three-day mission, in coordination with SMoH, and HAC. SEGA organization provided housing for DOFDAHR staff during the treatment camp. With funds from the Zakat Office in the state and National Insurance, COVID-19 awareness sessions for beneficiaries were conducted during the treatment camp, and face masks (1,700) and sanitizers were distributed to the beneficiaries. Mosquito nets (200) were distributed to 200 beneficiaries The project provided lifesaving drugs during the mission and the remaining drugs were handed over to a committee that consisted of the Executive Director of the locality, a representative of the resistance and change committees, and a representative of the health committee in the locality, representative of the traditional administration, Medical Director of the locality as well as DOFDAHR, HAC, and SMoH representatives. The treatment camp was conducted in Almaktoom Charity Hospital in the Taweela locality. During the treatment camp cases of chikungunya are detected and reported to WHO and SMoH and measures are taken for the control of the cases.