- – Project Title: Initiative for provision of water 780 houses in Imtidat Al-Tiganiya block in Al-Fashir city
- – Project Duration: 10 months
- – Project Location: Imtidat Al-Tiganiya block in Al-Fashir city
- – Funding Organization: Community contribution and the government
- – Year of Funding/Status: 2020
- – Amount of Funding: 14,000,000 SDG
- – Beneficiaries of the project: 3,900 person
DOFDAHR has proposed the initiative of provision of clean water for 780 households in Imtidad Al-Tiganya block in Al-Fashir city in North Darfur State, the project started in 29/8/2020. DOFDAHR has conducted meetings and mobilized the community for funding the project. DOFDAHR in coordination with the community leaders, the target households in the block contributed 15,000,000 SDG for the implementation of the project. The locality officials contributed 1,000,000 SDGs for the project. DOFDAHR rehabilitated the water tower and water pipelines in coordination with WES for technical support and the community leaders and resistant committees in the implementation and following up of the project activities.