- – Project Title: Drugs campaign training workshop
- – Project Duration: 2 days
- – Project Location: Al-Fashir
- – Funding Organization: DOFDAHR
- – Year of Funding/Status: 2020
- – Amount of Funding: 150,000 SDG
- – Beneficiaries of the project: 35 person
DOFDAHR organized a drug campaign workshop in coordination with the Entrepreneurship Center and anti-dug police. The workshop was conducted on 9/12/2020. The workshop targeted 35 participants from the representative of residence and change committees in AI-Fasher city representing 35 blocks of the total 118 blocks in the city. The workshop was for one day. Awareness participants were raised on the dangers of drugs for individuals and the community, and types of drugs. Anti-drug police displayed different types of drugs for the participants and indicated the most harmful type of drugs. A committee was formed for community awareness raising on the danger of drugs and monitoring of community members, and youths who are using or selling drugs. The commencement of the workshop attended by the General Director of the Ministry of Youths and Sports and the Secretary General of Child Welfare in the State.