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Alfasher, Northern Darfur

Algadi street , near police hospital

Darfur Organization For Development & Human Resources
CategoriesProjects WASH, Health, & Environment

Health Awareness Campaigns in Al Fasher locality

In the period from December 16 – 21, 2021, under the slogan: ‘Together for a healthy society’, The Darfur Organization for Development and Human Resources (DOFDAHR), in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and partnership with the African Vision for Development Organization (OVDA), organized a health awareness campaign to prevent infectious diseases (hepatitis, COVID-19, dengue […]

CategoriesAdvocacy & Human Rights Projects Protection

GBV awareness

As part of its programs in enhancing community awareness, the Darfur Organization for Development and Human Resources (DOFDAHR), in partnership and fund from Plan Sudan International, organized 2 awareness sessions on prevention of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and preventing sexual abuse and exploitation of children in Abu Shouk IDPs camp in El Fasher city.

Reconciliation Session between the traditional leaders and resistance and change committees in Shag Al-Shehait rural area in Al-Fashir locality

DOFDAHR find out about the conflict during a joint need assessment and conducted a reconciliation session between traditional leaders and the newly formed resistance and change committees in Shag al-Shehait rural area in the Al-Fashir locality. DOFDAHR played the role of a mediator to bring together the two groups to an agreement to work together […]

CategoriesCivic Education Projects

Civic education session in 6 secondary schools in Al-Fashir

With funds and partnership with USAID, DOFDAHR implemented civic education in six secondary schools in Al-Fasher city in the period from 8/3/2021 to 18/3/2021. The activity is part of the USAID project “Toward Enduring Peace in Sudan (TEPS)”. This activity was proposed by DOFDAHR after the February demonstrations in Al-Fasher that resulted in the damage […]

CategoriesAdvocacy & Human Rights Projects

Rehabilitation of Public building burned by demonstrators

On 12/2/2021, DOFDAHR launched an initiative for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of public buildings that were destroyed by demonstrators during the February 2021 demonstrations in Al-Fasher city. The public buildings damaged by the demonstrators are Public Prosecution, Service Affairs, and the buildings of the Tax Office. DOFDAHR mobilized the community and businesspersons for funding for […]

CategoriesAdvocacy & Human Rights News Projects Protection

Meeting with the Director of Police, North Darfur – Humanitarian Initiatives for Vulnerable Children

As part of its earnest efforts to serve the people of the state, particularly the vulnerable segments of society, a representative from the Darfur Organization for Development and Human Resources held a meeting with the Director of Police for North Darfur State. Mr. Abdullah Yaqoub Adam, the organization’s Project Manager, attended the meeting along with […]


Signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Dysis Mann Organization for Peace and Development

Darfur Organization for Development and Human Resources and Dysis Mann Organization for Peace and Development signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the Humanitarian Aid Coordination Office in North Darfur State. The signing ceremony, attended by Dr. Abbas Yousif Adam, the Humanitarian Aid Commissioner for the state, and Mr. Mohammed Sharaf El-Din Mahmoud, the Director […]