The Youth Citizen Observer Network (YCON) consists of grassroots youth organizations spread across all regions of Sudan. It works to support democratic transition in Sudan and harnesses its efforts to amplify the youth’s voice and increase their influence in various political processes within Sudan, in line with the goals of the December Revolution.
Following the outbreak of the current war, YCON decided to monitor various violations that occurred during the war and its effects. This includes documenting migration and displacement movements, and human rights conditions, and contributing to various efforts aimed at ending the war.
The network has observers deployed in all states of Sudan who work in the field for observation and documentation. They send their initial reports, which serve as the basis for the network’s various activities. This account represents a summary of the observers’ findings from all states during the past month of August.
This report serves as a summary of the network’s observers’ reports spread across the states of Sudan. It covers events that occurred in the second half of August 2023.
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نسخة عربية أيضاً بعد النسخة الإنجليزية