Reconciliation Session between the traditional leaders and resistance and change committees in Shag Al-Shehait rural area in Al-Fashir locality

  • Project Title: Reconciliation Session between the traditional leaders and Resistance and Change committees in Shag Al-Shehait rural area in the Al-Fashir locality
  • Project Duration: 1
  • Project Location: Shag Al-Shehait rural area in Al-Fashir locality
  • Funding Organization: DOFDAHR
  • Year of Funding/Status: 2021
  • Amount of Funding: 25,000 SDG
  • Beneficiaries of the project: 70 person

DOFDAHR find out about the conflict during a joint need assessment and conducted a reconciliation session between traditional leaders and the newly formed resistance and change committees in Shag al-Shehait rural area in the Al-Fashir locality. DOFDAHR played the role of a mediator to bring together the two groups to an agreement to work together to serve the community. After conducting the reconciliation session in the village in the open air, the two parties agreed to work together through sharing responsibilities and roles in the village. DOFDAHR stressed the importance of the agreement between the two parties to work together for the development of the area.

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